What is a Progressed Energy Chart?
Your progressed astrology chart shows how your perspectives have shifted from your natal energy. It doesn’t mean you act or feel in a different way. It means you consider your actions and feelings in a different way.
Relationship Rollercoaster Brought To You By 2024's Spring Eclipse Season Sponsored by Toyota
Take yourself back to May 2022. I know, it’s been a while, but my guess is that for about 80% of people, you already know exactly what happened in May 2022.
April 8, 2024 - The Ninevah Eclipse
Hey howdy hey to all my pals! I’m here delivering some news of biblical proportion. On April 8 we will be experiencing a total eclipse here in the U.S. and A. This is kind of a big deal because the last time the US experienced a total eclipse was seven years ago, but seven years ago it moved in the opposite direction which means this year’s eclipse path combined with the previous path creates a big ol’ X on the country and idk about you but there’s something kinda foreboding about an X in the middle of the country where you live.
Holiday Season Transit Guidance
Rather than doing a basic breakdown of the end of 2023 and a recap and all that smush, I’m doing a bit of a different holiday post for you. I’m going to break down the astrological transits for the rest of November and December so you’re ready for them and you know what to expect.
ECLIPSE SEASON 2023... you're gonna find balance and you're gonna assert your damn self
This is a time of seeing new truth in your life and gaining intense and limitless clarity on who you are and where you're going. The discovery that comes from an eclipse holds the power to completely shift your perspective and many times it can challenge you to really stay true to what you believe.
See Ya, 2022! Hello, 2023!
As we wrap up December 2022, let’s do a quick recap of the energy last year and what lessons you may (or may not) have learned from it.
Eclipse Season 2022 - Scorpio + Taurus Energy is Here to Transform The Way You Find Comfort
This is a time of seeing new truth in your life and gaining intense and limitless clarity on who you are and where you're going. The discovery that comes from an eclipse holds the power to completely shift your perspective and many times it can challenge you to really stay true to what you believe.
What's the difference between a soul mate, a twin flame, and a karmic relationship?
We hear a lot about soul mates, twin flames, karmic relationships, and spiritual ties… but do you really know the difference?
Vesta is in Retrograde until August 22
Have you ever heard of Vesta? I’d love to tell you about her.
Saturn Retrograde in Aquarius June 4 - October 23
Saturn’s energy brings external, direct changes to your life in order to teach you lessons about setting boundaries, honoring your own energy, and connecting to your life purpose.
Mars in Aries May 24 - July 5
Okay, so Mars is about WAYYY more than just aggression, although it does affect aggression. It’s about motivation and action and reaction and going after your goals.
Mars in Pisces April 14 - May 24
There’s a lot happening in Pisces right now, but because of the ViBeZ of Pisces, it might not feel very obvious what this all means.
Scorpio Season is here to transform your fears into deeper fears, but then maybe you'll be like a phoenix and grow from it but maybe not this time and that's okay too
I mean it with love. But seriously, Scorpio season this year is coming at the end of a pretty wild Libra season, so don’t be surprised if you’re feeling a little SHOOK.
"Stop Trying so Hard" Love, Libra.
As we enter Libra season, we enter a time of majorrrrrr air energy. (5 planets in air signs!) This is an energy that allows us to more easily let go of what doesn’t vibe with us, but it’s also an energy that can trick us into letting go of too much and losing our sense of self. During this libra season, it’s important that you spend time every day building yourself up. Think of it like Leo season 2.0. You need to do whatever you can this season to connect to your true inner power. Don’t throw it away. Don’t let yourself believe you’re not worth it.
It's Leo Season! Time to Manifest...
The trick in harnessing the power of Leo for getting what you want is hidden in your birth chart.