Relationship Rollercoaster Brought To You By 2024's Spring Eclipse Season Sponsored by Toyota

Take yourself back to May 2022. I know, it’s been a while, but my guess is that for about 80% of people, you already know exactly what happened in May 2022.

May 2022 was the start of our previous Eclipse cycle with the Taurus/Scorpio nodes. (Real quick - the eclipse energies last for 18 months moving between two different signs on opposite sides of the zodiac wheel. This push/pull between the “nodes” over 18 months is what leads to change and eventual rebalancing of your energy… just in time for the next eclipse cycle.) May 2022 was a time of shifting your comfort zone and pushing you towards deep transformation. Who you were in May 2022 is not who you are now.

I bring up the previous eclipse cycle to remind you that a lot can change in a moment. One moment can spark metamorphosis, but at the same time, one moment can spark destruction. Our previous eclipse centered around transformation because of its Scorpio energy. This upcoming eclipse cycle will center around destruction (actually I prefer to think of it as a new beginning) because of its Aries energy.

Remember - destruction and a new beginning doesn’t have to mean distress. It could mean you receive a new and exciting opportunity in your career that you say yes to and immediately begin a rich new life in a beautiful place. It could mean an engagement, a marriage, a pregnancy, or a birth. It could mean a change to your appearance that pushes you to find a restored sense of confidence.

Of course, destruction and fresh starts do feel a little scary and I think that’s okay too. I’ll be honest, sometimes the eclipses bring things to the surface that feel overwhelmingly negative. It can be hard to see what comes up during eclipse season and say, “Yes, this is 100% for my greatest good! Thank you, God!”

Change is hard.

But, that’s why I’m hoping you’ll stick with me because I’m going to break down a few areas of the transiting human design energy that can serve as your strength during this time. Lean in to these areas to help you find peace and stability through the shifting energies of the eclipse. These are skills that are rising to the surface for everyone and meant to be used for your greatest power.

For the March 25th Eclipse, these are your superpowers.

Gate 17 - The Gate of Opinions

You're meant to share your opinions and ideas more than other people in this world. Your ideas are here to inspire others and if you don't let them out, you'll never know how powerful they could be. The key here is in HOW you share them. Don't share from a place of expectation. Share your opinions and ideas without attachments. Don't expect people to listen or love them or change their minds. Just share. The simple act of sharing is enough for your energy to be complete. Once they are out of your mind, the power goes to the universe. Once you share, let it go. Don't hold on to the outcome of your words. It's okay if people don't listen to you and don't take your suggestions. It's okay if your opinions don't sit right with others. The practice this month is in opening your throat chakra and sharing your beliefs. Share your convictions. Trust that you're allowed to have opinions that differ from others and you don't owe anyone an explanation or an agreement or a resolution.

Gate 2 - The Gate of Higher Knowledge

You know more than you think you do! Your connection to your intuition and higher self is always present, but it's becoming more clear. It's also something that you can sense for other people, so this year you're going to be a great leader and guide in your community. You are meant to seek knowledge and answers about life. It’s not just about knowing for YOU, it’s also about learning so that you can teach others. The things you learn through your studies will always come in handy someday and when you learn as much as you can, you are making yourself more resourceful and skilled. This gate also gives you a natural ability to see a vision for the future and push yourself and others in the right direction. The highest vibration of this gate gives you a deep trust in your unique path and an acceptance of responsibility for all aspects of your life.

For The March 25th Eclipse,

this is where you need to learn some lessons:

Gate 55 - The Gate of The Spirit

This gate activation represents a desire for abundance. Your soul is ready to receive, but you may feel stuck when it comes to knowing HOW to open up. You may receive opportunities to expand your abundance, but you don’t even recognize the opportunities in front of you. The practice this month is in slowing down to show up. You can’t show up for yourself if you’re constantly putting everyone else’s energy ahead of your own. Slow down and tune in with YOU so that you can show up for YOU. You have to come first. This is your permission slip to be first in line for your own energy.

This reminds me of a visual analogy someone once told me…

We often hear that we “can’t pour from an empty cup,” and while that’s true, it’s also not super helpful to picture a cup filling and then emptying to give to others. That visual means that the cup is still empty 50% of the time. A visual I’d prefer you to imagine is a cup being continuously poured into, so much that it’s overflowing. Then, imagine other people coming to that overflowing cup to fill their own cups. So, the main cup is never empty. It’s always replenished and it’s filled so much that everyone gets theirs.

It took long enough for me to get a gif on this page

… but what a perfect opportunity, am I right?

Okay anyway, back to this eclipse energy.

This is really a time of shifting in our perspectives and actions. We are aligning action with talk. Walk the walk and talk the talk. The first eclipse on March 25th is in Libra, which is helping us to find balance. It’s pushing the energy of our lives through a sensory funnel and forcing us to feel what we feel in our physical bodies. Let go of the story attached to the feeling. Let go of the need to act or react. Just simply experience the sensation and move on.

So, you might be feeling some big sensations coming up as we approach March 25th. It may feel difficult to fully know why you feel a certain way or how to act based on that feeling - but that’s the point. You don’t need to know. You just need to fully immerse yourself in the sensation as it’s there and then fully immerse yourself in the absence of the sensation when it leaves.

Now, for the second eclipse on April 8th we have a different vibe.

If you haven’t read my breakdown on the biblical significance of the 4/8 eclipse, you can read it here.

The April 8th eclipse is ALLLL Aries energy. Seriously, there’s so much. It’s a wild time.

Aries is the energy of action and a fresh start. It’s the time to DO.

All of the Libra flow of waiting and listening is finally being given a place to go once Aries Moon hits on April 8th.

I URGE you. PLEASE be mindful.

This is a time when reactivity, anger, pushiness, impulsivity, and passion are HIGH.

This is true for everyone you encounter.

Stay off the roads. Road Rage is gonna be crazy.

Keep your mouth shut unless you have put mindful intention behind your words. Don’t let yourself get carried away. Stay mindful. Slow down.

This isn’t to say you shouldn’t act on anything - you absolutely should if it’s an action backed by mindful intention. What I’m saying is you need to really slow your roll and move carefully.

When this Eclipse season ends, it could have a heavy hangover period lasting through August 2024.

Hang in there. It will rebalance again before the cycle repeats this Fall.

The pendulum is swinging. Hold on tight.

Rosy | Your Cosmic BFF

understand the cosmos to understand yourself. I’m an astrologer and human design expert determined to help people have more fun in life through their connection to the cosmos!

What is a Progressed Energy Chart?


April 8, 2024 - The Ninevah Eclipse