Jupiter, Boopiter

Jupiter is doing some things and I’m going to break it all down for you right now.

First of all, let’s talk a bit about Jupiter the planet (before diving into the transit).

Jupiter = Zeus.

Jupiter is the planet connected to the greek god Zeus, the most powerful of all of the deities.

Jupiter is the biggest planet and because of this, it has a lot of energetic influence on all other planets. Jupiter/Zeus represents the ruler of the skies and all other planets, but it is most closely connected with Mars (in mythology, Jupiter/Zeus was the father of Mars. Jupiter doesn’t CONTROL Mars, but it guides Mars)

Mars is connected to our goals and motivation. Jupiter is our luck and true abundance. When we are guided by luck, flow, ease, and abundance… we are motivated towards goals that align with our soul’s true path.

The main idea? Let Jupiter be the leader. Wait to see where your blessings arrive and where you’re most connected to abundance and THEN follow that lead to find things you want to do in life.

Jupiter is currently transiting in Taurus, which brings a focus on comfort and security to our lives.

The problem is, we often resist comfort in our lives for the sake of productivity or people-pleasing. We give up our own needs in pursuit of doing “good” for others… but it’s not good when our care for others only comes from denying something to ourselves. Jupiter’s position in Taurus is here to change that.

With Jupiter moving into Taurus, it gives us a boost of energy to remember our own needs, and that boost could come from blessings in the form of money and resources. You might find (over the next year or so while Jupiter is in Taurus) that you’re stumbling upon the things you need to survive and it’s happening without much resistance at all. The universe has your back and Jupiter in Taurus is a reminder of that. It’s a reminder to believe in yourself and your intuition. It’s a reminder to follow your blessings. It’s a reminder to let gratitude flow.

Jupiter in Taurus is bringing luck, support, and abundance to our inner worlds. This transit is here to help you find inner peace. This transit is showing you that who you are and what you need is always within you - you just have to tap into it. This transit is bringing us the things in our external world that we need so that we can focus inward on our sense of emotional and spiritual security. This is the time to give yourself grace, but also seek out the truth. Accept the hard truths about your life, but use them as fuel to build back better.

So…. thanks Jupiter!

If you want to learn how this transit is affecting you and receive some guidance on using its power to up level your life, check out my mini-reading below!