Community... Issa vibe (New Moon + Full Moon Energy in January 2023)

I’m writing this as I sit in a coffee shop and listen to someone nearby telling her friend about her multiple sex dreams involving Gordon Ramsay and if this isn’t a 2023 vibe, I’m not sure what is.

I’m not here to talk about Gordon’s thrusting though. (Thank God.)

I’m here to talk about the first big lunar transits of 2023.

I’ve been really into the moon lately. In September, I opened up spots for my monthly guidance subscription and with this new offer it meant I was diving deep into the lunar phases for my BFF’s all the time. The lunar phases hit us all differently depending on our unique moon signs, however - the full moon and new moon tend to be the strongest transiting energies that hit us all with similar force. The first full and new moons of 2023 hold some clues about the theme for the year, so buckle up and let me tell you what’s coming in 2023.



The full moon in Cancer is coming in lukewarm with aspects that are pretty far from the Sun, which means it’s not going to feel super intense. Instead, it’s more like a gentle hug and a whisper in your ear of, “Get your shit together.”

It’s a time to slow down and receive. It’s not a time for action.

This is an energy that is ushering you towards a deeper compassion for yourself and others. It’s allowing you to release any emotions you’ve been holding from 2022. It’s encouraging you to seek out people and communities that make you feel safe.

Let go of attachment to the things that make your nervous system feel icky.



The full moon in Aquarius is all about taking action on the things you learned during the Cancer Full Moon. Clarity comes with the full moon. Action comes with the new moon. This is the time to take action.

Step outside of your comfort zone.

Share your thoughts aloud with new people.

Try something new.

It’s time to step into this year with an attitude of curiosity and excitement. You are growing and changing. You aren’t the same person you were at the start of 2022. Allow yourself to change your own perception of YOU.

Happy New Year! I hope this helps you navigate your energy this month.