"Stop Trying so Hard" Love, Libra.

Seriously. Stop trying so hard. Stop worrying that you’re not doing enough. Stop thinking about who you want to be and breathe into who you are. You are enough. 

As we enter Libra season, we enter a time of majorrrrrr air energy. (5 planets in air signs!) This is an energy that allows us to more easily let go of what doesn’t vibe with us, but it’s also an energy that can trick us into letting go of too much and losing our sense of self. During this libra season, it’s important that you spend time every day building yourself up. Think of it like Leo season 2.0. You need to do whatever you can this season to connect to your true inner power. Don’t throw it away. Don’t let yourself believe you’re not worth it. 

This is your libra season permission slip to love yourself wholly as you are right now… 

…even if you’re still holding things that don’t serve you

…even if you feel like you’re falling short

…even if there’s room for improvement. 

Let go of last season’s perfectionist Virgo mentality and commit to honoring and embracing the imperfect, flawed, beautiful life you are in the middle of creating. 

♎️ Libra season is here ♎️ 

Rosy | Your Cosmic BFF

understand the cosmos to understand yourself. I’m an astrologer and human design expert determined to help people have more fun in life through their connection to the cosmos!


Scorpio Season is here to transform your fears into deeper fears, but then maybe you'll be like a phoenix and grow from it but maybe not this time and that's okay too


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