astrology &

human design are



There are SO many apps out there that can give you the basics of your cosmic blueprint, but Astrology and Human Design are NOT one-size-fits-all. That’s why all of my readings are written 100% for you, every single time. 



These readings look at who you are at your core and why you were brought you to this life. It’s deep.

These readings often lead to massive personal transformations, so if you’re wanting to stay in your comfort zone bubble, this might not be for you. 


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These readings look at a small section of your chart and are often connected with the transiting cosmic energy, so the offerings change monthly!

See something you like? Grab it quickly before the energy shifts. Nothing striking your fancy? Join my email list to be notified as soon as a new reading is available.


Not sure what would be best for you or want to chat about a custom reading?

Click HERE to send me a quick email and get the conversation started.


My Promise to YOU


I promise to never define you solely based on astrology or human design. While these frameworks provide valuable insights, I firmly believe in the power of free will and personal accountability. I am dedicated to helping you explore and harness your potential, rather than limiting you by predetermined labels or characteristics. 

I promise to encourage you to connect with your inner self and your higher power in all decisions. My goal is to inspire you to reach new heights and transform into the human your soul aches to be, but that simply cannot be done through cosmic energy alone. I promise to lead you forward from a place of empowered and compassionate guidance. I am here to support you to make informed choices and take ownership of your life’s direction. My approach is rooted in respect for your autonomy and commitment to nurturing your personal growth. 

Most of all, I promise to talk to you the way a best friend would - with compassion, tough love, understanding, and most importantly, a little bit of silliness. 




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