Listen to Uncle Ben

In the cinema classic Spider-Man, Uncle Ben says, “With great power comes great responsibility.” I love Spider-Man and if you don’t, it’s time for you to get a new astrology BFF.


Just Kidding, JK (Simmons who completely SLAYED as Peter Parker’s boss in the Tobey McGuire Spidermans… spidermen? idk, this has nothing to do with anything.) , I actually think that one of my standout qualities as a human being is that I am not bothered by people holding different beliefs than me, even if those beliefs seem as insane and wrong as someone not loving Spider-Man. So, please stay.

This post really isn’t about Spider-Man or my amazing human skills. It’s actually about this big event that y’all probably have been hearing about called The Great Conjunction.

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The Great Conjunction is bringing with it big power and big opportunities. It is our responsibility to use it wisely. Don’t let this power pass you by.

With Great Conjunction comes Great Opportunity… or something.


So, let’s get into this a little deeper.

Everything that happens in the cosmos shifts the energy of the universe and therefore the energy within us. We are made of star stuff. Some shifts hold more power than others, maybe because they happen closer to Earth, because they involve bigger planetary energies, or they connect to a bigger purpose of our lives (like when Saturn moves into our natal Saturn position).

A big shift is happening. This shift is called The Great Conjunction and it hasn’t happened in a really long time.

The last time the planets aligned in this way, it marked the end of the Black Plague and the start of the Renaissance. Many people also believe that this conjunction was present during the birth of Jesus, The Star of Bethlehem. Below is an excerpt from explaining the Great Conjunction and its role in the Bible:

Some have suggested this holiday season that these two planets might be a replica of the legendary Star of Bethlehem. Actually, one of the more popular theories for the "Christmas Star" was a series of conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn in 7 BC.  For in that year Jupiter and Saturn met not once but three times that year (in May, September and December).  

The first conjunction (on May 29 — visible "in the east" before sunrise) presumably started the Magi on their way to Bethlehem from the Far East.  The middle conjunction (September 30) may have strengthened their resolve in the purpose of their journey, while the third and final conjunction (Dec. 5) occurred just as they arrived in Judea to meet with King Herod, who sent them on to Bethlehem to "go and search diligently for the young child." 

I really love astrology and christianity because they are SO connected, but that’s info for a different blog post. Back to The Great Conjunction…

The Great Conjunction occurs when Saturn and Jupiter align within just a few degrees of each other in the constellation of Aquarius. To truly understand the power of this conjunction, you have to understand the importance of each planet on its own, plus the importance of the sign of Aquarius where they both reside.


Jupiter is in charge of our lessons, our opportunities for major personal growth, and those a-ha moments that we experience throughout life. Jupiter’s energy encourages us to explore new ideas, new environments, and new ways of life. Jupiter is expansive and adventurous. Jupiter doesn’t play it small.


Saturn is connected to our personal boundaries and limitations. Saturn shows us where we are losing sight of our True selves. Saturn is connected to rules, structure, and our innate human desire for achievement. Saturn’s energy also encourages us to lead.


Aquarius energy is all about allowing new ideas and processes into your life. It’s about recognizing what isn’t working and leveling up. It’s about letting go of what isn’t serving you and moving into a new way of being. Aquarius energy is about the collective, it’s not about YOU. Aquarius energy is about the good of the world, the greater good, the universal good. It’s not about what we think is right or wrong. It’s about allowing space to be guided by the universe and trusting that process, no matter where it takes us.

Before I get into what this all means when we put all of this info together, I want to take a moment to explain how astrological energies bring opportunities into our lives.

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First things first, the stars don’t control us. Period. They just don’t. We have free will. We can ignore the stars and still be successful, happy people.

The stars CAN give us insight about the personal growth opportunities that are in front of us. The stars CAN provide guidance for navigating the hardships of our lives. The stars CAN reveal where we’ve been hiding from our True selves.

The stars hold opportunities. It’s up to us to take them.

When we experience a major cosmic shift, astrology can help us understand and recognize the opportunities that are in front of us. For example, we all freak out when we hear that Mercury is going Retrograde. We’ve heard that it’s a bad time to sign contracts, our technology will fail, and there will be misunderstandings and mistakes happening all around us. We often believe that these issues are entirely out of our control… it’s just something caused by Mercury.

What if, instead of blaming the stars, we saw Mercury in Retrograde as an opportunity? Mercury is the planet of communication, so when it goes Retrograde, it’s an opportunity for us to take a closer look at the way we communicate. It’s an opportunity to learn about ourselves and level-up. When we ignore this opportunity, the world is going to feel like shit because we are trying to bypass our lessons. Lessons aren’t easy. They never are. Growth isn’t easy. What if instead of seeing all of Mercury Retrograde’s issues as little pieces of hell on Earth we saw them as nudges towards our better selves? Mercury asks us, “What biases am I allowing to cloud my judgement?” and “Who am I pretending to be and why am I not communicating authentically?” and “Do I need to slow down?”

Think about the Full Moon. It’s long been documented that crazy things happen on the Full Moon. Is it really the moon’s fault? No way. The moon asks us to question how we are allowing ourselves to change over time. The moon asks us, “Are you holding on to things that are holding you back?”




A lot of times I get asked things like, “What will happen to me when my Saturn Return comes?” or “Why am I so unsuccessful in love? Will I never be able to be happy?”

Many people look to astrology for answers when really, they should be looking to astrology for questions. Astrology provides us the questions we need to answer in order to discover our deeper selves. Astrology doesn’t hold the answers… you do. Astrology holds the opportunities.

So, this Great Conjunction holds an opportunity.

With Jupiter and Saturn aligning in Aquarius, it means our souls are ready to up-level, if we will allow it. Jupiter brings a push towards expansion and opening our minds. (Hold up. For all of you that just thought, “FINALLY EVERYONE ELSE WILL OPEN THEIR MINDS!” Check yourself. This is an opportunity for you. The universe is asking YOU to open your mind. More. More. More. What can you release? What judgement are you holding? How are you allowing fear to live within your soul?)

Jupiter brings opportunity for consciousness expansion, exploration of new ideas, and encouragement to step out of your comfort zone. Saturn is bringing changes to the structures that have bound us to one way of life for so long. Those structures are changing. They aren’t going to work the same way that they used to. This conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn is putting the upleveling of the Earth into YOUR HANDS. We used to be players in the game, but now we are becoming the creators. The systems and structures that defined our society have the opportunity to shift. How will you support this shift? How will you allow the universal shifts to guide you? How can you move inward and allow your inner shift to guide the outer shift?

This is an opportunity to quiet the ego and let go of what we think the world should look like. This is a reminder that we are small, but it is also a reminder that our souls are larger than life. Stop thinking small. This shift is so much bigger than our government, or the workplace, or a manifestation journal, or a vision board. This cosmic shift holds the power to become something we cannot even imagine. This shift is bringing an opportunity of the unknown.

Will you allow the unknown?


Rosy | Your Cosmic BFF

understand the cosmos to understand yourself. I’m an astrologer and human design expert determined to help people have more fun in life through their connection to the cosmos!

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