Cosmic bff’s club

Get the inside scoop on all things Astrology and Human Design, lunar horoscopes,

transiting energy breakdowns, class discounts, and access to the Cosmic BFF’s Book Club.

Cosmic BFF (Level 1)
Every month

As a member, you gain access to a wealth of resources, challenges, and exclusive content tailored to your chart.

✓ Access to the Community Chat
✓ Monthly Lunar Horoscopes with Human Design
✓ Cosmic Transit Blog with Full + New Moon Rituals
✓ Cosmic BFF's Book Club
✓ 50% Off Discount on Your Cosmic BFF Classes
Cosmic BFF (Level 2)
Every month

Unlock a higher level of access by upgrading to the BFF membership. Enjoy all the perks of a BFF member, including access to Cosmic Happy Hour every month for no additional cost.

✓ All Previous BFF Member Perks
✓ FREE access to Monthly Cosmic Happy Hour Class ($33 value)

Cosmic BFF (Level 3)
Every month

Unlock more personalized benefits with the Level 3 membership. Enjoy all the perks of a BFF member, including access to Cosmic Happy Hour every month for no additional cost, PLUS receive a personalized voice note chart reading from me with guidance for your upcoming month.

✓ All previous BFF member perks
✓ Monthly personalized chart reading via voicenote ($55 value)

Ultimate Cosmic BFF (Level 4)
Every month

The ultimate level of access to the cosmos. If you're serious about using your cosmic blueprint to reach your goals and navigate life's ups and downs, THIS is the one you want. Enjoy all the perks of a BFF member, plus additional reading discounts, and a monthly deep dive super personal ultimate astrology and human design reading delivered via email PDF.

✓ All Previous BFF Member Perks
✓ Full Monthly Cosmic Guidance Reading ($200 value)
✓ 50% Off Discount on Birthday Reading

One time
For 3 months

The same thing as the Ultimate BFF Membership, but if you pay in full for 12 months (13 readings), I'll throw you a chunky discount.

✓ All of the benefits of the Ultimate BFF Membership
✓ Save $$, Commit to Your Growth

What people are saying

“Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more.”

— Quote source