The Most Powerful Manifestation Energy of The Year is Happening TODAY

LION’S GATE 8.8.2020

lions gate 2020

First of all, just look at the numbers of this year’s Lion’s Gate….


8. 8. 2020!!!

Like, come oonnnnnn. This is getting real.

8 is the number of manifestation and abundance. 2020 means clarity.

It’s time to get clear on what you want to manifest.

If you’ve never heard of Lion’s Gate, here’s what you need to know:

  1. It happens every year during Leo season when the Sun in Leo syncs up with the fixed star, Sirius.

  2. Sirius doesn’t travel through the signs, so it’s energy is only brought into our awareness when it lines up with another planet and can help direct that planet’s energy.

  3. Sirius directs the power of other signs towards riches, fame, and abundance. (Basically, Sirius helps you MANIFEST)

  4. Lion’s Gate energy starts at the end of July and lasts through mid-August, but tomorrow is when the portal officially opens, allowing a huge rush of manifestation energy to shake the Earth.

So, what do you want?

What do you desire?

What are you asking the universe to provide you?

If you answered, “Idk” to any of those questions, stop right now and start journaling about it until you get an answer, and then come back.



Lion’s Gate energy is all about making your dreams come true and finally getting clear on who you are and the life you want.

Follow these three steps to become a Lion’s Gate Manifestation Master:

  1. LIVE BIG. You’ll be feeling nudges to step into your power. They might not feel like power-nudges, but they are. Listen to your intuition and don’t second-guess yourself. You’ve likely been noticing new ideas coming to your awareness about things you desire in your life, things you can do, things you can create, ideas you can share…. the message from Lion’s Gate is…. DO IT NOW.

  2. CREATE. Create anything. Make dinner from scratch. Write a story. Paint a picture. Start a discussion. Plan a trip. Start a new Instagram account. Initiate a conversation with a new friend. Any creation is powerful during this time because creative energy attracts creation in the universe. The more you use your power to create things in the external world, the more you’re opening your energy to receiving the universe’s creations… the creations made specifically for YOU.

  3. ROAR. Use your voice. Lion’s Gate is connected to the throat chakra, so do whatever you can to get that energy flowing. Sing, speak, yell, sigh. Allow yourself to be heard. Move the energy through your throat chakra by speaking your desires aloud. Say what you want. Ask the universe for what you want.

how to manifest

Check the chart below to check your manifestation super powers.

Check your SUN sign to learn where your energy is already the most powerful. Check your 5TH HOUSE to learn where your manifestation will bring new energy into your life. Check your 8TH HOUSE to learn what manifesting lessons you need to learn.

how to manifest for your sign

Now go roar your desires into existence with the power of

Lion’s Gate 8.8.2020

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P.S. This might feel TIRING. You might be exhausted right now. If you’re feeling extra exhausted, it’s because you’re not following your true manifestation pathways. We all have different manifestation powers that can be revealed through our Human Design. If this energy brings up exhaustion, moodiness, and stress for you, it is a clue that you’re not fully connected to your energetic power. If this is you, check out my upcoming workshop on Human Design HERE, or hit me up for a coaching session to learn about your perfect pathways to manifesting the life you desire.

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Rosy | Your Cosmic BFF

understand the cosmos to understand yourself. I’m an astrologer and human design expert determined to help people have more fun in life through their connection to the cosmos!

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