Leo + Aries: A Fiery, Passionate Fire of Healing and Hell

If you exist on the internet, you’ve heard that it’s ~LeO s34s0N*~

Leos love themselves, so Leo season is always a time of Leos reminding us all how great they are.

Okay, but really though, I love Leo energy and I really do love Leo season.


This year, Leo season is starting shortly after Chiron entered Aries in Retrograde. Basically, we have this big, powerful, Leo energy pushing us forward, but we have an opposing energy holding us back in Aries.

Two fire signs pulling us in opposite directions.

Does anyone feel insanely non-committal and unsure of themselves right now?

If so, you’re feeling this energy.



Typically, Leo season is a time to harness the energy of the Sun and move forward towards your biggest goals. It’s a time to let go of your insecurities and judgements and truly allow yourself to live the way YOU want to live. It’s a time of “no ragretz.” It’s typically a time to honor your unique, bold self and step into the spotlight to let others see your beautiful, powerful presence. It’s a time to finally accept the love that is available to you. It’s usually a time when these steps in your life feel EASY. Usually Leo season naturally pushes us to expand our confidence and live BIG.

Here’s the thing about 2020’s Leo season… are you ready?




It’s not really about boldness and vitality this year.




Leos right now:




Okay, so here’s the deal. Leo energy is still about taking the spotlight, but this year, because of the energetic connection with Chiron in Aries, it’s a time to put the spotlight on yourself in a more critical sense.



Before we can get in to what this looks like, let’s talk about Chiron…


Chiron represents weakness and trauma. Chiron brings our deepest insecurities and flaws to the surface. Aries is the most surface-level sign. It is external, impulsive, and passionate. With the universal astrological chart currently sitting in an Aries Chiron, it means our deepest wounds are beginning to surface. Chiron is in Retrograde, which means these wounds are probably things you’ve already “healed.” These wounds are things you know the answers to. You know the solutions. You know your path… but Chiron is bringing them to the surface again. Chiron is giving you an opportunity to truly practice what you say you’ve learned. It’s giving you a chance to prove that you really have healed, like you say you have, and it can be painful.

My guess is that you’re not as healed as you like to think. None of us are. We are all here to learn and grow and that means we are going to be flawed. That means we are undoubtedly imperfect and will be forever.

That might sound scary, but I find that thought peaceful. I’m always going to be imperfect. Forever. I will forever be flawed.

It kind of takes the pressure off a bit, right? It shifts the focus away from the outcome and more towards the journey. We are all trying. We are all growing. The -ing means it’s going on now. The -ing means it’s a process.



It’s all a process, and Chiron is showing us where in that process we have missed some ish. Chiron in Retrograde is a reminder that we need to fully embody our healing practice. We need to practice what we preach. Chiron in Aries brings forth our deepest insecurities. Chiron in Aries reveals where our tough exterior has cracks… cracks that are there for a reason. The cracks are meant to be broken open. The cracks are meant to expand and explode. Those cracks are revealing your better self, but it might mean allowing your deeper flaws to show. It might mean you let out all that you’ve been holding in. It might mean that you’re forced to face your demons.



So, why not face them as a proud, strong, fierce Lion?

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Chiron will be in Retrograde in Aries until December, 2020. We’re here for a while. BUT! Leo season is only here until August 22nd, so you have about a month left to harness this Leo energy for your healing.

As we charge into Leo season, I encourage you to lean in to your inner Lion.

Lean in to the power that rests inside your soul. Usually Leo energy is about being loud and proud in the external world, but this year, I challenge you to use this Leo energy to be proud of your insides. Be proud of your guts. Be proud of your inner power. Be proud of your fight.

Use this Leo energy to tackle those insecurities that are coming up with the universal Chiron in Aries.

You’re going to be forced to face your deeper emotions, but tackle those emotional breakthroughs like a Leo. Own your emotions. Feel your feelings, and feel them WHOLLY. Feel them powerfully. Feel then passionately.

… and don’t let yourself stop being loyal to YOU.

You deserve to be powerful outside AND inside. You deserve to move past your wounds, the wounds that all humans have.

Embrace the energy of Leo and rule your personal growth like the QUEEN that you are.

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To really dive in to what the specifics of your Chiron healing will look like for YOU, you’ll need to look up your Chiron sign and house. You can do that HERE…. or you can just purchase an astro profile from me and I’ll do the analysis for you. The Life Arc + Saturn Reading includes a Chiron reading and it tells you how your Chiron holds you back AND how to move past it.

Also, in the spirit of Leo power, I just added a cool freebie to my site. Sign up HERE to add your birthday to my list and get a FREE birthday reading the week of your b-day.

If you’re not on my list already, add your email below to get updates on new blog posts, astrology offerings, sales, workshops, courses, and more.

Also, if you made it this far, congrats!

You’re one of the first people to know that I recently added Human Design to my shop.

If you don’t know what HD is, you’re in for a TrEaT~***.

Seriously, it’s like astrology but WAYYYY more in-depth (is that even possible?! Yes. It is.) It looks at how your energy receives abundance and success and how to use your energetic patterns to REALLY thrive.

Check it out here and use the code CHOOSEYOU for 10% off

Rosy | Your Cosmic BFF

understand the cosmos to understand yourself. I’m an astrologer and human design expert determined to help people have more fun in life through their connection to the cosmos!


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