Your Cosmic BFF

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Saturn is shaking lessons into us... Can you feel it?

There’s something happening. I know you feel it. 

The earth is shaking.

The universe is screaming.

It’s that unsettled feeling that floats over everything. It’s that wave of uncertainty that keeps coming back. It’s the rising pressure you feel every time you look at the news. 

What is it?

We are in the middle of an opportunity, an opportunity that has presented itself many times before. 

Here’s the thing about astrology:

The energy of the planets brings forth lessons for us to learn, pushing us towards our own internal growth. If we don’t learn the lesson, we will continue to be pushed until we do. 

Our biggest lessons come with Saturn.

Maybe you’ve seen this post floating around.... 

There are patterns. What does it mean?

Let’s start with the first part. Saturn in Aquarius.

A simple google search for “Major Riots in History” brings up lists of events, just like what’s happening in the US today, that have occurred all over the world throughout history. 

The most fascinating thing, and the point I’m slowly making my way to, is that although protesting happens all of the time throughout our history, protests have turned into major riots roughly every 30 years, when Saturn is in Aquarius. 

Here are some big ones you may be familiar with:

Early 1930’s

Labor Riots in Jamaica

Harlem race riot


Late 1960’s

Chicago Poloce Riot. 

Hong Kong Labor Riots

Detroit Riots following the killing of Martin Luther King, Jr. 

Early 1990’s

LA / Rodney King Riots

And now, here we are, another 30-ish years later. 

History is repeating itself. We aren’t learning our lesson. I am not learning my lesson.




What is the lesson connected to Saturn in Aquarius?

Saturn is about individualism and boundaries. It’s about knowing your personal strengths and your deepest truth. Saturn is about you. 100%. Saturn is not about others. It’s about you. Your experience. Your perspective. Your heart. Your actions.

When you look at the position of Saturn, it tells you the area where individualism needs to be found. It tells you where you may tend to lose yourself and get pulled into a codependent space or a hive mindset. The Aquarius part tells us where we may lose our truest selves right now. 

Aquarius is about public health, collective consciousness, technology, and revolution.



Take a deep breath. I know.



With lessons from Saturn telling us to find our truest selves, to stay individuals and not get sucked into the pressures around us and with Aquarius bringing forth issues around public health, collective consciousness, technology, and revolution, it’s hard to know what to do. 

Remember, Saturn reminds us that the growth is within YOU. 

The progress is within YOU.




My advice for navigating this time is…

slow down

This is a time to connect deep within yourself. The external events are about you. The external world is pushing you to search your soul. It’s begging you to look at your heart. It’s pleading for quiet understanding. 

The ego is Aquarius energy. The ego says you have to change the world. The ego says you have to use technology to move forward. The ego says we all need to come together and it’s our job to make others see the light. 


deep breath 


slow down


what is the real lesson?


This might be true for you, it might not. It doesn’t have to be Ego talking.


if you never slow down 

and allow quiet within your soul, 

you may never know who you are beneath it all.


Your Astrology BFF