Your Cosmic BFF

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Why Mercury Retrograde is Not Scary and How to Use The Energy for GOOD

Happy Mercury Retrograde!  + Happy New Moon Eclipse! +  Happy Summer Solstice!

There’s a lot happening right now!

On top of that list of weekend events, did you know we currently have four other planets in retrograde? If things are feeling kind of funky, now you know why. 

Personally, I appreciate retrogrades. It’s a time for reminders. It’s a time to remember what you already know.

Here’s the thing though, most people forget what they know, and when they forget what they know, that’s when the retrograde gets tough. 

So, I’m going to teach you how to TRULY ~*ThRiVe*~ during retrograde. 

Are you ready?




The secret is in the sign. 

The sign of the retrograde can tell you where to focus your energy.

The sign of the retrograde can tell you what you’re supposed to remember.

Once you remember what you’re supposed to remember, it’s easy to remember… right?

Okay, maybe that didn’t make sense… but it will. I promise.

Here’s the breakdown.

(This works for any planet in retrograde, but let’s look at Mercury.)

Mercury is the planet of internal and external communication.

It affects our thought patterns, intellectual understanding, empathy, and the lens through which we view the world. So, when it retrogrades, it means we will experience disruptions in these areas IF we forget what we are supposed to remember. What are we supposed to remember? The sign will tell us. 

Mercury is in retrograde in Cancer.

Cancer energy is what we need to remember. Full, open, expressive Cancer energy. 

Cancer is compassionate, cautious, protective, sympathetic, and understanding. These are the qualities we are being asked to remember during Mercury Retrograde. 

Mercury Retrograde may mean we experience discomfort surrounding communication (maybe more misunderstandings than usual?), thought patterns (are you finding yourself falling back into limiting beliefs or spiraling thoughts?), and intellectual understanding (“how in the WORLD can someone actually think THAT?”). 

The key to truly THRIVING during retrograde is to use the energy of Cancer to move forward through the obstacles that Mercury is placing in front of us. 

Where can you be more compassionate with yourself? 

Can you approach difficult conversations with more caution and care for the other person?

Where can you allow yourself to be more empathetic?





Here’s what’s cool about the new moon eclipse and the summer solstice:

Both of these energies are about wiping the slate clean and starting fresh



So, as you’re moving into Mercury Retrograde, think about how you can use this fresh energy RIGHT NOW. 



What can you release? 




Where can you breathe into the discomfort and allow yourself to lead with Cancer’s empathetic energy?




Reach out to me on Instagram (@rosymackastro) and let me know where you’re focusing your energy during Mercury Retrograde. 

It’s retrograding until July 20th, so you have a good chunk of time to examine your internal and external communication patterns, but the big releasing energy is happening RIGHT NOW. Don’t waste it. Give yourself permission to be refreshed.

You deserve a breath of fresh air.

-Rosy Mack

Your Astrology BFF

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