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My 2020 Election Predictions

I have a prediction.

I think something will happen that will prevent Biden from actually becoming president. 

I’ve been diving in to the astrology charts of the big election dates (November 3, December 14, January 20) as well as the natal charts of Trump, Biden, and Harris (I didn’t look at Pence because… idk I think intuitively I just know he doesn’t matter LOL).

Anyway, the upcoming astrological climate… plus the transits of each candidate’s chart… plus their natal chart energy can give us some interesting ideas about what COULD happen through the rest of the year and into January.

The first thing to note is that Biden’s Descendant matches up with the USA energy of North Node, which could mean a shift in focus for his life this December. Basically, all of his current goals could be flipped upside down and he could have other shit to worry about. This actually has been a theme for his life with his Sun squaring his Chiron. This placement can mean that he struggles with fully reaching his goals and reaching his true power due to things outside of his control. Looking through his Wikipedia page, he certainly has experienced a lot of unforeseen circumstances preventing his fullest expression of success.

Also, Biden’s north node is at 0° in Virgo, meaning he will always fall short of reaching his true power.

On Inauguration Day, Biden’s 10th house is empty. The 10th house represents career, leadership, success, and achievement. Also on Inauguration Day, Chiron is transiting his 4th house in Aries. This means a big shift in expected outcomes and maybe past trauma surrounding his family and sense of safety coming up to shift his plans. With Mars and Uranus both transiting his 5th house Moon, it could also mean he feels impulsive about creating something new and stepping into fresh energy. This impulsivity could be something that pushes him too far and causes him to miss his true power. The main thing to note about Inauguration day for Biden is that most of the big astrological energies are disconnected from his natal energies, meaning he can easily lose his direction in life.

With all of the Aquarius energy coming up in December, it creates a big opening for female leadership energy to balance it out. This leads me to my next prediction….

Kamala Harris will be our next president.

Kamala’s rising is Gemini which is Trump’s Sun Sign. This could indicate an overtaking of energy. It could mean that she’s rising up to the position currently occupied by Gemini power. Also, there was a big Gemini Moon/North Node conjunction on Election Day in Kamala’s 12th house. This connects to Kamala experiencing a major change to her life and pushing her closer to her Truth. Not sure if her Truth is presidency, I guess, but it certainly could be.

Kamala’s chart transits show that Chiron will be transiting her Moon in Aries in January, which can be connected to a sudden emotional upset. Certainly, if something happens to Biden that prevents him from taking his role as President, it would cause a big emotional upset for Kamala Harris. Also, Mars is transiting her 11th house which means she will experience a role change related to society and leadership. This Mars transit is also conjunct with Uranus and in the same house as her natal Moon, which connects to her life’s purpose.

Also, the transiting North Node is v close to Kamala’s natal North Node position in the 1st house, which could mean she’s on the brink of stepping into her greatest power, but if she doesn’t trust her intuition she could lose it. She will also have a lot of planets transiting her 8th house on Inauguration Day, which could be connected to a major transformation. This energy is asking her to let go of her fears and worries and instead trust her connection to society.

There’s a semisextile aspect between Jupiter and North Node during Inauguration time, which can mean massive shifts towards humanity’s healing. This is also in semisextile with Kamala’s Rising sign, meaning she could be a leader of this healing.

And to top this all off, Kamala is entering her Saturn Return in December. The Saturn Return is a period of life that happens every 30ish years. The purpose of this era is to teach you boundaries around your own personal power and independence. It often brings major life changes into your world. These major life changes will push you to recognize your inner power.

Some fun extra info for you: Women get their energy from the Moon. Men get their energy from the Sun. Women cycle with the Moon. Men cycle with the Sun. When a woman’s natal Moon sign matches up with the astrological transit of the moon, she is extra powerful. When a man’s natal Sun matches up with the astrological Sun sign, he is extra powerful. Men are most powerful during their zodiac season. Women are most powerful during the full moon of their Moon sign.

On Inauguration day, the Moon will be matching up with Kamala’s natal Moon in Aries (Aries is the energy of forward-motion) means she could really be propelled forward at this time with more power than ever before.

Also though, on Election Day, Trump’s North Node connected with the transiting North Node in his 10th house, which could mean he holds on to the presidency, if it is his Truth. I know it’s hard to believe that Trump being president could be a deep Truth for the human race and the right thing in the long run, but the placements do show that he has the power to disrupt our typical structures and inspire change in humanity. If you think about the big picture and how his energy affects people, it might make sense. 

For Trump’s chart, there are some interesting things that could point to him staying president, actually. (Take a deep breath.)





On Inauguration Day, North Node will be transiting Trump’s natal North Node in the 10th house. This could be good news because it means he has a breakthrough in how he views leadership and achievement and he could be stepping in to his inner Truth…instead of operating externally like we’ve seen from him for so long. This is the first time in decades that his chart is showing a shift into a more internal, personal growth focused energy. The energy is going to be transiting his 5th house, which means it will inspire something in him even if it doesn’t cause immediate change.

Also, Trump’s Mars is right on the border of his Leo Rising sign at 29º, which means he’s quick to push for change before his understanding of a situation is fully realized in his consciousness. (This explains why he can be impulsive and unemotional in his decision-making, even though his Mars is coming from a v intuitive place in the 12th house.)

Also, on Inauguration Day, Chiron will be transiting Trump’s 8th house, which could mean he is dealing with a sudden change of plans and the need to let go of his expectations.

Now, let’s look at the event chart for Inauguration Day, assuming the new president is sworn in at noon on January 20, 2021.

The Rising energy at this time is in Taurus, which is focused on safety, protection, and planting new energy. It is fixed-sign energy, meaning it can be strict and forceful, but it also can be stable and secure. With Chiron, Moon, Mars, and Uranus in the 12th house in Aries, it means that things could feel crazy, but they are happening for a reason that is deeper than we know. The 12th house is inner Truth, universal Truth, spiritual Truth. It connects to what’s meant to happen. These energies are showing that this big shift of forward motion may feel scary, but we are supposed to trust the universe.

Neptune is in the 11th house at this time in Pisces, which means collective consciousness will be rising and our intuition will be powerful AF if we work collectively. Not collectively with just your political party… collectively as a human race. We are being asked to honor ALL outcomes. We are being asked to honor all perspectives. We are being asked to honor all people.

Also, the Descendent sign will be in Scorpio, which indicates that a transformation is coming to a close and we are releasing past energies that harmed us.

With Midheaven in Capricorn still, it means that our political structure may look the same for a while, but change is on the horizon.

The Rising in Taurus could also mean being trapped, locked in, or coddled. So, be ready for a potential need for safety indoors. It could mean that we experience big changes to laws around our personal freedoms.

Pluto is going to be a major energy of this day. Historically, Pluto has been connected to transforming our structures and uniting people, but it’s also been connected to war and violence when people resist the natural pull of the universe.

Also, the Sun and Moon, Sun and Mars, and  Sun and Uranus are all square, which means that there could be a barrier that prevents a steady flow of leadership. With Mars ready to enter the 1st house, it could indicate that a big change could hit us unexpectedly and it could force the US leader to evaluate relationships with other parties - maybe our political parties or maybe with other governments.

So anyway, I’m making a prediction that Biden won’t be president. Maybe something will happen to him and Harris will become president, or maybe something will happen that will push Trump back into presidency, but if Trump becomes president again, there’s actually some really great energy around change for him in that position. Overall, I’m really feeling like Kamala is in her ZONE this year and she’s going to be a major player in how things move forward. 

Stay grounded, my babies.

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