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Healing Your Human Design Centers this Scorpio Season

I’ve been quiet lately. As I came to the end of Libra season and ended my Vulnerability challenge, I found myself needing some stillness, some space, some time to really embrace the way I shifted my energy.

My energy definitely shifted. Big time. I have noticed an opening in both my internal and external world. Manifestations coming into power, fears and insecurities slipping away, a big opening in my heart, my root, and my mind. When you allow yourself to embrace a hidden part of your soul, it changes you.

Here’s where I’m at now…

I’m here for this Scorpio energy.

I’m here for the transformation to continue.

I’m here to embrace the darkness and the light equally.

I’m here to step into my life as a powerful, feminine, goddess.

Scorpio season brings transformation. Will you embrace it or will you hide from it?
This transformative energy is especially powerful when it comes to healing our open center traumas in our human design.

If you’re new to Human Design, here’s some info on the centers of your chart….

  • The centers are the shapes in the center of your chart. They correspond to the places where we generate energy, how we process the world around us, how we make decisions, etc.

  • If it is colored in, it means you have an active center and the energy of that center is a major player in your life. If it is white, it means it’s open.

  • When a center is open, it means we are openly susceptible to information, opinions, energy, and inspiration from other people in this area. This can be good sometimes because it makes us strong collaborators. This can be bad sometimes because it can make us codependent and unaware of our own energetic limits.

The main point is that when a center is OPEN, that’s where you are


It’s up to you to receive without questioning.

It’s up to you to receive without control.

It’s up to you to receive without judgement.

Sooooo….. back to the power of Scorpio Season.

This energy is here to show us our shadows. It’s here to show us where our open centers are causing insecurities, confusion, and distraction. It’s here to show us where we’ve been judging what we receive. It’s here to show us where we’ve been resisting our abundance. Scorpio’s transformative energy is here to transform the way we view our abundance. It’s here to reset our internal abundance magnet and get us back on track. Below you’ll find some tips for identifying where your energy is getting lost.

Step 1: Grab your Human Design chart

If you don’t have your Human Design chart, go to and get yours for free.

Step 2: Find your open centers

Any shape in the middle of your chart that is white is considered an “open” center. If it is colored in, in any color, it is considered "closed” or “active”.

Step 3: Understand your open centers

Use the chart below to discover where you might be getting yourself stuck in a loop and (unintentionally) resisting abundance. (Spoiler Alert: You’re probably dealing with more than one of these. Probably more than two of them, tbh.)

Step 4: Heal, Heal, Heal, + Open, Open, Open

Use your discoveries to help you create better boundaries, question your own intentions, refocus your energy. It is time to transform your internal abundance magnet. Now is the time to make the change because you have this Scorpio energy on your side!

P.S. The new moon is coming in a week! This is the perfect time to set new intentions, call in abundance from the universe, and fully embrace your transformation ritual. I can’t wait to see the new you.



with classes, written profiles, and this season’s $5 reading special.

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