Your Cosmic BFF

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Neptune is entering Pisces on June 23rd and will stay there until November 2020.

This is a time to stop hiding. Seriously, NO. MORE. HIDING.

Your true self is ready to reveal itself to you and it’s done through symbolism and subconscious imagery when connected to Neptune.  

This course will walk you through discovering your truth in the symbolism and WHERE to go from there.

Here’s what the course includes:

  1. Personalized Neptune reading focused on your personal growth and how to use this retrograde to move forward.

  2. Personal growth worksheets meant to help you clarify your goals, understand the symbolism appearing in your life, and move forward with ACTION.

  3. Instructional videos going in-depth about Neptune, the retrograde, and symbolism/subconscious imagery.

  4. The ability to ask me ALLLL the questions you have about Neptune, your chart, your life, and more! I’m YOURS.


How long does the course take?

-The course is self-paced, so it can take as little as a few days or as much as a few years. It just depends on how serious you are about investing your energy in your personal growth.

Does the course expire?

-No! Once you purchase it, it’s yours to access forever. You can come back to it as often as you’d like.

Does astrology tell the future? Is it magic?

-No. Astrology is not as magical as it may seem, unfortunately 😂

Here’s how I think of it:

Astrology looks at the position of the universe at the moment when you entered the world. At that moment, the universe’s energy started to affect you (before it was only affecting you through your mother) and your energy begins to affect the universe. 

There are observable patterns in your chart that can predict the general timing of major life lessons, but the exact events are unpredictable and these events are neither positive nor negative. Often they are connected to a changed perspective. 

This course is for anyone who…

is looking to level-up in their life and know themselves deeper

isn’t afraid to see what’s been holding them back

is curious about astrology and how it can change their life

is ready to invest in their personal growth

knows there is more to life but isn’t sure how to reach it

has big goals, big dreams, and a big heart

is committed to bettering themself and living a full, abundant life

If you’re like me, you’ve felt stuck. You’ve felt unsure of yourself. You’ve heard a whisper telling you that there’s more, but you’re not sure what it is.

I promise you, MORE exists for you. MORE is waiting for you.

You deserve abundance and it’s here for you. Invest in yourself.